- Drink plenty of water. It will be as good as you drink the high amount of water. Your body needs water to prevent dehydration during hot days of summer. Take special care to make sure infants and kids to drink enough water. They can become dehydrated much more easily than adults.
- If you have asthma or other respiratory problems, keep a careful watch on the daily air quality reports. And also, don't forget to take your inhaler or other prescribed medication with you when you go out.
- Take necessary. Don't force yourself beyond your physical limits.
- Wear Sunscreen lotions. Sunburn is painful and unhealthy. Use a sunscreen that is right for your skin and which contains SPF.
- Stay Cool. Wear light, loose-fitting clothes to help you stay cooler.
- Wear Sunglasses. Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun's Ultra Violet rays.
- Maintain your energy levels by limiting your intake of fat and sugar, focus on carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables and go for coolers and cool juices.
- Before leaving for vacation pack few items such as calamine lotion, baking soda because that will help with itchy or painful insect bites.
- If you have allergies and plan to be traveling/vacationing, find out which plants will be pollinating in your vacation spot
- If you are feeling ill, go to a doctor. An average of 400 people die each year in the United States due to extreme heat.
- You have to skip or reduce alcohol consumption in the summer.
- Stay away from indoor GYM, enjoy the summer. Do some outdoor activities. Participate in outdoor sports. Gardening is yet another exercise which helps you to reduce stress.
- Wear eye gears to protect your eyes from UV rays and during summer eyes are very prone to infections.
- You sweat more during summer. So be clean always.
Asanas that give you joy
Inverted asanas are the essence of asana practice. They reverse the natural gravitational force. The body goes upside down; the head and the shoulders become the base of the body and not the legs.
Inversions actively reverse the internal organs, massage, renew and bring real joy. They efficiently remove toxins, slow down ageing and make those extra years of your life healthy and happy.
The biggest obstacle is fear which can be overcome when you learn from an experienced and competent yoga teacher. As a preparation for the body and mind, one has to practise for a year with commitment the semi inverted asanas such as adho mukha svanasana, prasarit padottanasana, viparita karani and ardha halasana.
To achieve the active reversal effect, you must stay in an asana for at least five minutes. With the guidance of a teacher, you will become aware of how to perfectly ground your head or shoulders and balance the rest of your body on them. Props such as a wall or a chair and folded blankets must be used to avoid strain.
Inverted asanas are Sirasansa (head-stand), Sarvangasana (shoulder-stand), Halasana (plough), Karnapidasana (blocked-ears posture).
Sirasana or the head-stand is considered the “king of Asanas”. The ancient yogis believed that “Amrita”, the nectar of immortality is increased, bestowing health and longevity. This asana reverses blood pressure in the head increases, while it decreases in the legs. The brain and all the organs get soaked with oxygenated blood. An experienced practitioner can adjust well to the internal changes.
Sarvangasana is called the “Queen of Asanas,” It follows Sirsasana.
This asana actively reverses organs in the thorax and abdomen and strengthens the neck and the spine. Beginners may start with Sarvangasana using a wall or chair for support. Sirsasana creates heat and makes you more alert, while Sarvangasana cools and calms you down

Do not practise these asanas when you have uncontrolled BP, eye, ear problems, dental problems, cardiac problems, cervical spondylosis, back injury, headache, diarrhea, hernia, during menstruation and pregnancy.
- Refreshers the brain, heart and lungs and controls negative emotions.
- Enhances functions of pituitary, pineal, thyroid and adrenal glands.
- Improves concentration, memory, eyesight and hearing.
- Slows down ageing and reverse the ill effects of ageing.
- Relieves asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, thyroid problems, diabetes, ulcers, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, constipation, depression, insomnia, water retention urinary problems, menstrual and menopausal symptoms.
Nutritious and Healthy food
Healthy and nutritious food is very important for maintaining a good health. Healthy food involves, regular and timely food, juices, nuts, snacks and much more. A balanced diet, good food habits are essential for a healthy life.
In the normal course of life, we forget to take necessary nutrition that is required for our body and hence we tend to get into many life style diseases. It is very essential for a person to know and understand the benefits of nature's creation like fruits, vegetables, nuts,etc.
You can find useful articles on nutrition and health benefits of various fruits and vegetables. Read on and add these to your daily life. The value of food is more when it is taken in a systematic manner and also by understanding the benefits of every bite we take.
Custard Apple - Health Benefits: Custard Apple promotes digestion and cures diarrhoea |
Apples are rich in vitamins and helps to reduce risks of colon cancer, prostrate cancer and lung cancer. |
Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant. It has anti-inflammatory properties too. Radish leaves are a good source of calcium. Radishes contain cancer-protective properties. |
Chives are known for their beneficial effect on the digestive system and blood pressure. Chives are said to reduce the risk of several types of cancers. |
Coconut is known for its antifungal, anti bacterial properties: Coconut oil forms the base of many Ayurvedic medicinal preparations. |
Cherries reduce pain and inflammation: Cherries are good source of many vitamins, minerals and are tasty to eat. |
Plums lowers age-related macular degeneration: Plums are sweet, juicy and are a good source of Vitamin c, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 and Potassium. |
Spinach when cooked is an excellent source of Iron and Calcium: It is recommended for pregnant women in the first 3 months for its folic acid contents.. |
Beetroots rich in potassium and fiber: Beetroots contains good amount of folate, potassium and manganese. They are less in calories and are effective in curing skin problems. |
Cauliflower is good for the heart and reduces the risk of cancer: Cauliflower is highly nutritious and is effective in curing many ailments. It is rich in folate and is good for pregnant woman. |
Mangoes are rich in Iron and Vitamins: Mangoes supply ample potassium, making them ideal for hypertensive patients or anyone looking to replenish energy after physical activity |
Tomatoes reduce the risk of heart attack: Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant. |
Musk Melon - Tropical Delight : Musk melon is a tropical fruit which is been cultivated for a very long time. It is a rich source of vitamin 'C' and is effective in reducing body heat. |
Cabbage helps cure ulcers and prevents colon cancer: Cabbage is a well known common vegetable. Its is low in calories and is long known for its healing properties. |
Bitter Gourd - Health Benefits: Bitter Gourd is a tropical vegetable. It is a well known cure for diabetes. |
Avocado - for fitness and health : Avocado is rich in pottasium content. The fruit is also a good source of vitamins. |
Papaya - A rich source of Minerals and Fibre : Papaya has high nutritional benefits. It is rich in Anti-oxidants, Minerals and Fibre. It also helps in Skin Treatments. |
Oats - Fibre food that cures constipation : Oats have some unique fatty acids and antioxidants which together with Vitamin E slow cell damage. |
Nutritional benefits of Watermelon : Watermelon is highly refreshing during summer. It does not contain cholesterol and helps in eye sight also. |
Nutritional benefits of Banana : Banana helps in the treatment of Depression, Anemia, Blood Pressure, Brain power, Constipation, etc. |
Almond: A highly Nutritious fruit : Consumption of Almond lowers cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of lifestyle diseases and gives overall wellness |
Egg: A nutritious food : Egg is a healthy and nutritious food. Lecithin in eggs prevents the absorption of cholesterol of egg and other sources too |
Calcium: The bone builder: Calcium Builds Strong Bones. Get calcium from greens, beans, or fortified foods. Vitamin D controls your body's use of calcium. |
Healthy food for Stress Free Life: Nutritious and balanced diet is a must to free ourself from the physical and mental diseases and relieve stress |
Mushrooms : A highly nutritious food: Mushrooms are rich in minerals, vitamin D (ergosterol), thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), dietary fibre as well as all the essential amino acids and are low in fat and calories. |
Gooseberry (Amla) : Rich in Vitamin C: Amla or Gooseberry has many nutritious benefits. The amla has been found to be the most abundant source of Vitamin C in the plant kingdom |
Health Benefits of Zucchini : Zucchini when consumed regularly helps maintain blood pressure at normal levels. |
Health Tips and Technics - Stress Management
This section provides you with various articles related Stress Management
Stress.. This is caused due to heavy working hours, fatigue and strain. Stress leads to head ache and restlessness.
Articles for stress relief and eye strain below gives you easy to follow tips and technics to overcome stress and also treat your eyes. These technics result in stress relief and treatment to your eyes.
Good Night Sleep Tips: Are you getting enough sleep? Adults need at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night, to perform optimally. |
Treat Headaches by Breathing: Drive Headaches away by breathing deeply and also understanding the food that triggers headaches. |
Tips and Technics to Treat your eyes: Most computer users suffer from the problem of tired eyes, dark circles and headaches. Follow these ten tips to avoid them. |
Healthy food for Stress Free Life: STRESS cannot be done away unless the cause itself is removed. Good health and stress free life is all that one craves for. |
Tips to overcome sleeplessness: Ways on how you can get better sleep. You can try any of these methods to get some good sleep. A few tips to gain good sleep |
Preventing communicable diseases
An infectious diseases is scientifically proven disease caused by microbes that are pathogens (called as pathogenic microbial agents). These are of multiple types.
- Pathogenic bacteria, causes diseases such as plague, anthrax and tuberculosis
- Protozoa,causing diseases like malaria, toxoplasmosis and sleeping sickness
- Fungi, causes infections like ringworm, candidiasis or toxoplasmosis
- Pathogenic viruses cause diseases like influenza, yellow fever or AIDS, which are basically not living organisms and are not microorganisms
These agents can cause diseases in animals or plants or both. These are usually qualified as communicable diseases ( also called contageous diseases) as they have the capabilities of transmission from one person to many others.
This transmission can happen in multiple ways. Air, physical contact, food, blood transfusion, body fluids or through contaminated objects
Avian Influenza: Bird flu is an infection caused by avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. Theses flu viruses occur naturally among birds. |
Dengue Fever - Prevention: Dengue fever is a flu kind of illness spread by mosquito bites. Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever are caused by any of the dengue family virus. |
Swine Flu H1N1 : Swine influenza (also called H1N1 flu, swine flu, hog flu, and pig flu) is an infection by any one of several types of swine influenza virus. |
Yoga for good health
This section provides you with various articles related Yoga and other technics to manage your daily life.
This section provides you with informative articles on Yoga. Simple technics and tips to maintain good health. Before starting to work on Yoga, one has to understand yoga better. For attaining a healthy life, physical excercises, yoga technics need to be practiced with utmost care. These should however be practiced under the supervision of a trained person.
You can find Helpful articles on Yoga, easy to follow yoga Tips and Technics. Introduction to Yoga and its benefits to attain healthy life. Simple and easy to follow physical excercises help you in your daily routine.
Articles for stress relief and eye strain below gives you easy to follow tips and technics to overcome stress and also treat your eyes. These technics result in stress relief and treatment to your eyes.Inverted Asanas for longevity: Remove toxins and slow down ageing by learning inverted asanas |
Benefits of Sarpasana: Reduce upper back pain and relieves muscular tension |
Benefits of Samasthithi asana: Samasthithi asana helps you cultivate a balanced stance towards the world |
Benefits of Vrikshasana: This yogic posture helps improve concentration and builds mind power |
Benefits of Bharadwaj asana: This asana gives a good twist to the lower, mid and uppder back |
Yoga Do's and Dont's: Yogic exercises have to be practiced with caution. |
Benefits of Pranayama: Pranayama is a kind of meditation that creates awareness, controls the unsteady mind, refreshes the brain. |
Introduction to Yoga: Yoga is a system of physical excercise and natural healing. Our ancient sages have suggested eight stages of Yoga to secure purity of body, mind and soul and final communion with God. |
Eye Care Tips :
- Wash your eyes with cold water at regular intervals.
- Eat foods rich in vitamins like papaya, egg, fish, milk, green leafy vegetables.
- Increase your water intake.
- Use slices of cucumber and potato regularly to reduce the dark circles under your eyes.
- Blink often or close your eyes to relax the eye muscles.
- Take a short nap to reduce the puffiness in the eyes.
- Get regular eye-check ups done.
- Wear proper sun glasses.
- Foods rich in vitamin A helps reduce the risk of night- blindness and cataract.
Tips to ease mouth ulcers :
: Here are some tips to ease mouth ulcers:
: Gargle frequently with a solution made of salt and warm water. the saline mixture sterilises the mouth blisters.
: Gargle frequently with a solution made of salt and warm water. the saline mixture sterilises the mouth blisters.
: Avoid drinking tea or coffee and spicy foods.
: Rub a garlic onto the ulcer. It may sting but the ulcer maybe gone in a while.
: Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water and gargle.
: Mouth ulcers are due to lack of vitamin C. Drink plenty of orange juice.
: Much few raw onions as the sulphur in the onions are good cure for ulcers.
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